Tīlaišu brāļu kapi 2017. gads. Soviet military cemetery in Tilaisi, 2017 |
Tīlaišu brāļu kapi atrodas pie
ceļa Auri-Apgulde. Kapos ir uzstādīts piemineklis, kura priekšā ir bijusi vieta
"Mūžīgajai ugunij", bet tā vairs nav saglabājusies. Piemineklim abās
pusēs bijusi arī izveidota memoriālā siena ar 25 piemiņas plāksnēm, bet pēc atjaunošanas
darbiem siena nojaukta un saliktas melnas piemiņas plāksnes ar kritušo
Tilaisi military cemetery is located near the road Auri-Apgulde. There are a monument of a soldier in this cemetery. Before the reconstruction at the monument was a place for the eternal flame. On both sides of the monument are placed black stone memorial plates with soldier's surnames.
Tilaisi military cemetery is located near the road Auri-Apgulde. There are a monument of a soldier in this cemetery. Before the reconstruction at the monument was a place for the eternal flame. On both sides of the monument are placed black stone memorial plates with soldier's surnames.
Uz apbedījumiem atrodas 2 individuālās piemiņas zīmes (viena bijusi ar
fotogrāfiju, bet atjaunota un ir bez fotogrāfijas, kā arī viena ukraiņu valodā ar zvaigzni galā).
2 individual memorial signs are placed on burials, one of them is with a star on the top and text on ukrainian.
2 individual memorial signs are placed on burials, one of them is with a star on the top and text on ukrainian.
Padomju laikā par kapiem atbildīga bija
Auru astoņgadīgā skola un kolhozs "Auri".
Kolkhoz "Auri" was a responsible chief of this cemetery in soviet era.
Uzraksts uz pieminekļa. Text on the monument:
Brāļu kapos apbedīti 529 padomju
armijas 1944.-1945. gadā kritušie. Zināmi ir visu vārdi.
529 soviet army soldiers dead during 1944-1945 are buried in here. All names are known.
Tīlaišu brāļu kapi 1972. gads. Tilaisi military cemetery in 1972 |
Tīlaišu brāļu kapi 1975. gads. Tilaisi military cemetery in 1975 |
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